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Larne and Inver Primary School, Larne
Integration: Our parents have voted in favour of transforming our school to Integrated status from September 2026, subject to approval by the Education Minister.
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2023/2024 School Year

17th Jun 2024
P7 enjoyed a trip to McDonald’s as an end of year treat 🍔🍟🍦 Have...
14th Jun 2024
We had a great time at the ‘Family Fun Zone’ at Carnfunnock. 
13th Jun 2024
Primary 1 loved having their buddies visit from Primary 7 for a play afternoon....
11th Jun 2024
P5 had a fantastic day at W5, exploring, learning and catching up with friends from...
7th Jun 2024
We had great fun in the playground and it helps to keep us fit too! 
7th Jun 2024
The rain drizzle didn’t stop us having lots of fun outside on our scooters...
7th Jun 2024
Gardening Club have been busy planting lots of seeds. Our peas and the KS1 potatoes...
5th Jun 2024
We were working on our Maths, Technology and Engineering skills in P4.
5th Jun 2024
P4 enjoyed writing poems in the shape of a flower or a rainbow. We then shared them...
3rd Jun 2024
Click the link to see some of the activities we have been doing during May.