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Larne and Inver Primary School, Larne
Integration: Our parents have voted in favour of transforming our school to Integrated status from September 2026, subject to approval by the Education Minister.
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In June 2024, a majority of parents stated in an independent postal ballot that we should 'transform' our school to Controlled Integrated status from September 2026. We are now creating our 'Transformation Plan' which will be submitted to the Education Minister for approval as soon as possible.

The Integrated Education Act 2022 describes Integrated education as the education together, in an Integrated school, of -

(a) those of different cultures and religious beliefs and of none, including reasonable numbers of both Protestant and Roman Catholic children or young persons;

(b) those who are experiencing socio-economic deprivation and those who are not; and

(c) those of different abilities.

An “integrated school” is a school which—

(a) intentionally supports, protects and advances an ethos of diversity, respect and understanding between those of different cultures and religious beliefs and of none, between those of different socio-economic backgrounds and between those of different abilities, and (b) has acquired— (i) grant-maintained integrated status, or (ii) controlled integrated status under the Education Reform (Northern Ireland) Order 1989.’

Our school currently has children from Muslim, Protestant, Indian, Catholic, African, Bangladeshi, Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Jehovah Witness, Romanian, other and no faiths/cultures. We celebrate all faiths/ cultures and are continually striving to do this more effectively.

It is essential that everyone knows that our school is already ‘open to everyone’ and that our aim is to be a place where we are intentional and purposeful about inclusion and, in particular, making a deliberate contribution to building a shared society i.e. sending a clear and reassuring statement to the community that we are serious about our commitment to the future and ensuring that Larne and Inver PS remains a choice for everyone for many years to come.

Larne and Inver Primary School is based on Christian principles as opposed to any particular faith or culture. Part 4 of our Vision & Aims states –

To create positive school attitudes which encourage discipline through a Christian ethos where self/mutual respect and understanding are central to all learning experiences.

This will not change.

The Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education (NICIE) Principles for Integrated education state that –

The integrated school provides a Christian based rather than a secular approach. It aspires to create an environment where those of all faiths and none are respected, acknowledged and accepted as valued members of the school community.

Our school will not lose any of its traditions, faiths or cultural history; in fact these will be further enhanced within our Christian ethos by respecting all faiths and none. 

Larne and Inver Primary is proud of its history and the generations of families who have attended here; this is also why it is essential that we protect the future and never forget our past achievements.

Our school motto is ‘a bridge to the future’ which remains more relevant than ever............... 

A lack of understanding can lead to unnecessary concerns and it is therefore essential that communication is clear so that EVERYONE understands what Integration is. Any parents with a concern or question should seek clarification from Mr Patterson (Principal) as soon as possible.

We hope that you enjoy this section of our website! 

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